Our country is facing a housing crisis, and Lewisville is no exception. Young people can’t afford to buy a starter home, and property taxes are preventing seniors from enjoying their golden years. Lewisville desperately needs a housing boom. Government red tape like lot size minimums artificially increase the costs for builders, which means higher prices for first-time buyers. Lewisville should encourage single-family homes of all types! Whether that means traditional full-size lots, cottage courts, or townhomes.
I believe in making our entire community safe for families. From Main Street to the 121 corridor. That means backing our brave police officers, and increasing funding for our police department. As Lewisville continues to grow, crime will rise unless we make sure we have enough officers on the streets.
Local Beauty
Old Town Lewisville is our community’s crown jewel. Its Main Street charm attracts visitors from all across North Texas. But why should that charm be limited to a historic district? I support proposals that will make our neighborhoods more walkable, aesthetically pleasing, and friendly to the types of small corner stores, coffeehouses, and other small businesses that make Old Town great.
Political Transparency
On Election Day, you won’t see a D or an R next to my name. That’s because local elections in Lewisville are at least nominally nonpartisan. In these hyper-polarized times, however, voters deserve to know what their elected representatives believe, and what philosophy guides their governance. I’m a conservative Republican, and I intend to govern as such. I also believe that we need to amend our city charter to make local elections openly partisan, and give voters political transparency.
Supporting Small Businesses
As a conservative Republican, I believe that small businesses, not government, are the backbone of any economy. If you have an idea and the money to pursue it, government should get out of the way wherever possible and let you succeed.